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New Course on Using HTML Tables the Right Way in 2019

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Using HTML tables for page layout may be outdated these days, but that doesn't mean that tables have no value. In our new course, A Short Guide to Using HTML Tables in the Modern Age, you'll learn how to use HTML tables the right way.

What You’ll Learn

Back in the day, web pages were built with tables. These were the cornerstone of any layout. Nowadays, we have so many different and much simpler ways of creating layouts: floats, flexbox, grid, and multicolumn. We don’t need tables for layout anymore, but that doesn’t mean they’re obsolete. Far from it—they have a very real and specific use: displaying data.

In this course, you’re going to learn why it’s still okay to use tables in modern times and the best ways of doing so. Adi Purdila will show you how to make tables responsive and how to add pagination and sorting. And you'll explore some best practices for accessibility.

Watch the Introduction

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Plus you can download unlimited items from the huge Envato Elements library of over a million creative assets. Create with unique fonts, photos, graphics and templates, and deliver better projects faster.

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