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[dupe] I'll pay you $15 to use/test free cross-platform budgeting software
8 points by bobblywobbles on April 24, 2019 | hide | past | favorite | 7 comments
I used to use budgeting software such as Mint and Everydollar. As of late, I've lost trust in these "free" services, because I'm not sure how they are "using my data".. I never fully read the terms and conditions anyways. Taking matters in my own hand, I've written offline, open-source budgeting software with Electron. The product is really coming along now, and has made a lot of improvements due to many suggestions from users.

The main features are keeping track of expenses by category/subcategory. There is limited support to sync up transactions from your bank; this was a big feature a lot of people asked for.

I'll pay you a $15 amazon gift card to test this software. Everything is available on the Github repo below. In order to get the gift card, you'll have to act quick because I only have $200 I'd like to give away for this (yes, sadly I'm not rich and have infinite money to give you). Find the link to our slack group (from the repo), and after you've tested it and have feedback/suggestions, send a message to "zachary". I'll keep track based on who sends me messages first, only the first x number of people will get a gift card. Don't delay!


Thank you good humans of HackerNews.

Link to previous discussion: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=19630181

Thank you!

I have been wanting something like this, though the issues with a scraping approach seem very annoying.

You're probably aware, but others may not be, GNU Cash uses OFX to download transactions from banks.


Something to consider.

This is great, thanks for sharing. I'd like to avoid scraping if I can, but I didn't know this existed. I'll investigate.

Also +1 GNU Cash. Cross platform, native, fully featured, mature.

I found it too complicated to use for budgeting, but yes it is a very good piece of software and very mature.

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