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  2. JavaScript
  3. Vue.js

New Course: Three Practical Examples to Learn Vue.js

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Want to learn the Vue.js framework by getting your hands dirty with some real-world projects? Try our new course, Three Practical Examples to Learn Vue.js.

Three Practical Examples to Learn VuejsThree Practical Examples to Learn VuejsThree Practical Examples to Learn Vuejs

What You’ll Learn

Component-driven web frameworks have revolutionalized front-end web development. With Angular, React, and now Vue.js, it's easier than ever to write cutting-edge web apps. Vue has a tremendous following, and it's extremely easy to get started if you know HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

In this course, you'll learn to build web apps in Vue by following along with three simple examples in the expert hands of Jeremy McPeak. Here are the projects:

  1. Code a simple Hello World app, to get the hang of Vue's basic syntax and learn how to structure your Vue projects. 
  2. Build a data-driven list. This will give you a deeper understanding of Vue's HTML-based template system and the power of Vue's directives.
  3. Create a complete contact form to practice handling user input and lifecycle events as well as using Vue's powerful computed properties.

Watch the Introduction

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