Mercurial: Mass Add and Remove All Files

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While I much prefer git and the GitHub workflow, Firefox's codebase (mozilla-central) is store in a mercurial repository.  There are tools that wrap mercurial so you can use a git-like interface, like git-cinnabar, but my philosophy is to learn the root tool so that I know what's going on every step of the way.  Imagine losing work to an abstraction problem -- that would be terrible!

One task you need accomplish is adding and removing files during the commit process, which is easy enough:

# Add file
hg add path/to/file

# Remove missing file
hg remove path/to/file

When there are many files being added and some being removed, you want to be very careful, but adding and removing files one by one can be time-consuming.  Once you've confirmed you want to add new files and remove missing files, you can run the following:

# Add new files, remove missing
hg addremove

If you only want to remove missing files, you can execute the following:

hg remove --after

I know that git branching and mercurial bookmarks are very similar, but I have much less confidence in my mercurial skills, so I'm always ultra careful not to mess up my commits.  Good luck!

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