伊原 力也
freee デザイナー。リサーチ、情報設計、アクセシビリティ。人間中心設計専門家、WAIC委員、mokuva。アクセシビリティ関連書籍の執筆・監訳(『デザイニングWebアクセシビリティ』『コーディングWebアクセシビリティ』『インクルーシブHTML』)
attachment https://bit.ly/magi1125
5tamrt22 u2ing 2025 03 19ont1 11 2amy
I commented on the article.
I commented on the article.
I commented on the article.
I commented on the article.
I commented on the article.
I commented on the article.
I commented on the article.
I commented on the article.
I commented on the article.
I commented on the article.
I commented on the article.
I commented on the article.
I commented on the article.
I commented on the article.
I commented on the article.
I commented on the article.
I commented on the article.
I commented on the article.
I commented on the article.
I commented on the article.
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