How We Hacked a Software Supply Chain for $50K

IntroductionBack in 2021, I was still early in my offensive security journey. I had already hacked several companies and was earning a steady income through Bug Bounty Hunting, an ethical hacking practice where security researchers find and report vulnerabilities for monetary rewards. However, I wasn’t yet at the level where I could quickly identify critical vulnerabilities on a target. That level of skill felt just out of reach. Everything shifted when I connected with someone who became a key figure in my Bug Bounty career: Snorlhax.Initially, I saw him as competition. He was far ahead of me on the HackerOne French Leaderboard, which pushed me to step up my game. We started chatting on Discord and, after a few weeks, I shared a promising bug bounty program scope with him. Not long after, he discovered a $10,000 critical vulnerability on that target-double the highest payout I had achieved there. Motivated by this, I revisited the same target and found my own $10,000 critical vulner…
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