TypeScript 5.8 Iteration Plan
This document outlines our focused tasks for TypeScript 5.8. It minimally indicates intent to investigate tasks or contribute to an implementation. Nothing is set in stone, but we will strive to complete these tasks in a reasonable timeframe. Date Event 2024-11-22 TypeScript 5.7 Release 2025-01-24 Create 5.8 Beta (5.8.0) Build for Testing 2025-01-28 TypeScript 5.8 Beta Release 2025-02-07 Create 5.8 RC (5.8.1) Build for Testing 2025-02-11 TypeScript 5.8 RC Release 2025-02-21 Create 5.8 Final (5.8.2) Build for Testing 2025-02-25 TypeScript 5.8 Final Release 🚀 gantt dateFormat YYYY-MM-DD TypeScript 5.7 Stabilization Period : 2024-11-18, 2024-11-22 TypeScript 5.8 Beta Development : 2024-11-18, 2025-01-24 TypeScript 5.8 RC Development : 2025-01-25, 2025-02-07 TypeScript 5.8 Stabilization Period : 2025-02-08, 2025-06-21 todayMarker stroke-width:5px,stroke:#0f0,opacity:0.5 Compiler and Language Checked Return Statements for Conditional and Indexed Access Types --module node18 and --module node20 --erasableSyntaxOnly Option Investigate Preserving Computed Properties with Entity Names for Declaration Emit Introduce --libReplacement lib.d.ts Updates Editor and Language Service Iterate on Expandable Hovers Performance Normalize Paths with Fewer Allocations Skip tsconfig.json Checks on Program Updates Website and Docs Simplify and Refactor Website for Faster Builds