super short note on links in iOS with VoiceOver – HTML Accessibility
Preston GrimI have been doing some testing and have noticed when navigating links on iOS using VoiceOver (VO), if the link contains an element that is not exposed as a generic element it causes VO to treat and announce text in the link as separate links.ExampleThe link in the example is announced as 3 links it is also counted in the rotor as 3 links.“Elements with a”, “generic”, and “role are ignored”<a href="#">Elements with a <code>generic</code> role are ignored</a>When marked up with an element with an implicit or explicit generic role VO reports the correct number of links via the rotorThis can be avoided by using an element with a generic element such as a <span>but this appears a little flaky so addition of role="none" is suggested.<a href="#">Elements with a <span>generic</span> role are ignored</a> <a href="#">Elements with a <span role="none">generic</span> role are ignored</a>or adding role="none" to the non-generic element, which exposes it in the accessibility tre…