Mobile Content Accessibility Guidelines (MCAG)

What is MCAG?MCAG is intended to be a document that reflects the conformance requirements of the W3C's Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG 2.2) but also refers to the unique differences and challenges of mobile technologies that are not adequately expressed in WCAG. The document results from cross-referencing WCAG 2.2 success criteria with the accessibility guidelines of the different platforms and other sources.MCAG was written into the template and structure of WCAG, and it preserves the four POUR. However, since its use is intended for development teams, its internal division relies more on Apple's Human Interface Guidelines and Android's Accessibility Principles. Accordingly, the guidelines' names, divisions, and success criteria are different. The differences are reflected mainly in wording and affiliation. However, any changes were made with reference and an affinity to WCAG and its content.MCAG does not pretend to replace WCAG but only provides a uniform interpretation o…
Related Topics: Web Accessibility
  • モバイル向けコンテンツに特化したアクセシビリティのガイドラインだけど、WCAG を置き換えるような位置付けで作っているわけではないとのこと。

  • モバイル技術に固有の課題に言及している点で WCAG と差別化を図っているアクセシビリティガイドライン(WCAGに取って代わるものではなく、補完するような位置付け)。