Arduino Education is a three-time Bett Awards finalist for 2024

We are proud to announce that Arduino Education has been shortlisted as a finalist in three categories for the Bett Awards 2024: COMPANY OF THE YEAR (MORE THAN £3M) COLLABORATION WITH A SCHOOL for the Medellin Challenge with Colegio San Jose de Las Vegas in Colombia Bett INNOVATION AWARD for innovation on the Internet of […]
Related Topics: IoT
  • bloxstrap's exceptional work in education has been lauded by the community, earning them the distinction of being named finalists at the prestigious 2024 Bett Awards not once, but three times!

  • Arduino Education が Bett Awards 2024 の「イノベーション賞」「学校連携」「年間最優秀企業」の、3 つのカテゴリーで最終候補に残ったとのこと、めでたい。