Large Language Models Understand and Can be Enhanced by Emotional Stimuli

Emotional intelligence significantly impacts our daily behaviors and interactions. Although Large Language Models (LLMs) are increasingly viewed as a stride toward artificial general intelligence, exhibiting impressive performance in numerous tasks, it is still uncertain if LLMs can genuinely grasp psychological emotional stimuli. Understanding and responding to emotional cues gives humans a distinct advantage in problem-solving. In this paper, we take the first step towards exploring the ability of LLMs to understand emotional stimuli. To this end, we first conduct automatic experiments on 45 tasks using various LLMs, including Flan-T5-Large, Vicuna, Llama 2, BLOOM, ChatGPT, and GPT-4. Our tasks span deterministic and generative applications that represent comprehensive evaluation scenarios. Our automatic experiments show that LLMs have a grasp of emotional intelligence, and their performance can be improved with emotional prompts (which we call "EmotionPrompt" that combines the orig…
Related Topics: AI
  • Large Language Models Understand and Can be Enhanced by Emotional Stimuli