proposal: Go 2: error handling: try statement with handler
Author background Experience: 4 years experience writing production Go code. Expert at writing if err != nil. I have forked and created Go error handling libraries. Other language experience: Many of the common languages that are not JVM/CLR (Rust, Haskell, Python, Ruby, TypeScript, Nim, SQL, bash, terraform, Cue, etc) Related proposals Has this been proposed before? Variations have been proposed, this is discussed in the proposal. Error Handling: Yes Proposal Add a new statement try that allows for succinct error handling. try err, handler This is translated to if err != nil { return handler(err) } Zero values are generated for any return types, so to see this in the context of a function: func(args...) (rtype1, rtypes..., rtypeN, error) { try err, handler ... } turns into the following (in-lined) code: func(args...) (rtype1, rtypes..., rtypeN, error) { if err != nil { return Zero(rtype1), Zeros(rtypes...)..., Zero(rtypeN), handler(err) } ... } The handler argument is optional try err This is translated to if err != nil { return err } Unlike in previous proposals, try is a statement, not an expression. It does not return any values. When a function returns non-error results, an intermediate error variable must be used. x, err := f() try err If an expression returns just an error, it is possible to use try directly on the expression without an intermediate variable. For the sake of consistency it may be desireable to not allow this form (possibly enforced by linter rather than compiler). func f() error { ... } try f() Background Existing proposals to improve Go errors taught us that our solution must provide 2 things: the insertion of a return statement for errors compose error handler functions together before the error is returned Existing solutions handle the first point well but most have done poorly on the second. With a slight variation on existing error handling proposals, we can provide the second. Motivation: Go's biggest problem Recently the Go Developer Survey 2022 Q2 results were released. Now that Generics have been released, the biggest challenge for Go developers is listed as "Error handling / working with stack traces". Error handling: missing or poorly implemented in many proposals This proposals allows the Go programmer to write the exact same code, but more tersely: f, err := os.Open(filename) try err In such a simple case, with no error handler, this transformation may not be very valueable. However, even in relatively simple case, consider if the zero values are verbose: x, err := f() if err != nil { return MyLargeStructName{} otherpackage.StructName{}, err } In the above example, programmers are tempted to return the structs as pointers just so they can return nil rather than obfuscate their code with zero values. After this proposal, they can just write: x, err := f() try err Additionally, there is the case of "handling the error". Often we want to annotate the error with additional information, at least an additional string. Adding this code that modifies the error before it is returned is what I will refer to as adding an "error handler". The original draft proposal solution used stacked error handlers, but this has difficulties around composition due to the automatic stacking and code readability since the error handler is invoked implicitly. A second proposal was put forth not long after which implemented try as an expression and without any support for (stacked) error handlers. This proposal had extensive discussion that the author attempted to summarize. In my view this proposal was poor because it did not create any affordances for error handling and instead suggested using defer blocks. Defer blocks are a powerful and orthogonal tool that can solve the problem, but for many normal error handling use cases they are clumsy and introduce incidental complexity. A solution to the error problem should encourage the Go programmer to add error handling code as needed. Extending existing solutions with function-based error handling Composing error handlers can be solved by adding a 2nd parameter to try. The second parameter is an errorhandler of type func(error) error or more precisely with generics: type ErrorHandler[E error, F error] func(E) F. Now we can cleanly write the following code given from the original problem statement: func CopyFile(src, dst string) error { handler := func(err error) error { return fmt.Errorf("copy %s %s: %w", src, dst, err) } r, err := os.Open(src) try err, handler defer r.Close() w, err := os.Create(dst) try err, handler.ThenErr(func(err error) error { os.Remove(dst) // only if Create fails return fmt.Errorf("dir %s: %w", dst, err) }) defer w.Close() err = io.Copy(w, r) try err, handler err = w.Close() try err, handler return nil } ThenErr would be a standard library function for chaining error handlers. The new example dramatically reduces verbosity. Once the reader understands that try performs an early return of the error, it increases readability and reliability. The increased readability and reliability comes from defining the error handler code in one place to avoid de-duping it in your mind at each usage site. The error handler parameter is optional. If no error handler is given, the error is returned unaltered, or alternative mental model is that a default error handler is used which is the identity function type ErrorId[E error] func(err E) E { return err } The CopyFile example is probably a best case for using defer for error handling. This technique can be used with try, but it requires named return variables and a pointer. // This helper can be used with defer func handle(err *error, handler func(err error) error) { if err == nil { return nil } *err = handler(err) } func CopyFile(src, dst string) (err error) { defer handle(&err, func(err error) error { return fmt.Errorf("copy %s %s: %w", src, dst, err) }) r, err := os.Open(src) try err defer r.Close() w, err := os.Create(dst) try err, func(err error) error { os.Remove(dst) // only if Create fails return fmt.Errorf("dir %s: %w", dst, err) } defer w.Close() err = io.Copy(w, r) try err err = w.Close() try err return nil } Conclusion This proposal allows for: the insertion of a return statement for errors composition of error handler functions together before the error is returned Please keep discussions on this Github issue focused on this proposal rather than hashing out alternative ideas. Almost all the alternatives have been hashed out already. Provisional This proposal should be considered for provisional acceptance. The following will need to be well-specified (some are mentioned below in the appendix): Decide how to interact with defer The best name for try - this should be discussed separately after this proposal is provisionally accepted Firm decision as to whether to use lazy error handlers Appendix: alternative names I would be happy with try being renamed to anything else. Besides other single words like check, return if has been proposed. I use try in this proposal because it is the shortest word that has been proposed so far. This proposal would leave it to the Go maintainers to decide the best name for the word. Appendix: lazy error handlers It is tempting to make error handlers lazy. This way we don't need to bother with making curried handlers. x, err := f() try err, fmt.Errorf("f fail: %w", err) I am sure this will appeal to many as seeming to be Go-like. It would work to do it this way. This proposal has a preference for the function handler over a lazy handler to reduce defects. The lazy form requires using an intermediate variable 3 times. It is possible in Go to produce a defect by using the wrong error variable name. A go program generally only needs 3 supporting standard error handling functions in a curried form. Wrap an error so that it can be unwrapped (%w) Wrap an error so that it cannot be unwrapped (%v) Add a cleanup handler However, we should consider supporting both a lazy handler and a function handler. Appendix: special usage with defer We could explore making the defer and try combination special in that it would accept an error handler function and apply it to the returned error value (if not nil) without requiring a named return value func CopyFile(src, dst string) error { defer try func(err error) error { return fmt.Errorf("copy %s %s: %w", src, dst, err) } Appendix: Citations https://go.dev/blog/survey2022-q2-results https://go.googlesource.com/proposal/+/master/design/go2draft-error-handling-overview.md https://go.googlesource.com/proposal/+/master/design/go2draft-error-handling.md https://github.com/golang/go/issues/32437 - the original try error proposal https://github.com/pingcap/errors - a library for adding stack traces to errors https://github.com/pingcap/errcode - a library for error codes via interfaces https://github.com/gregwebs/try - a library that tries to implement this proposal in user code Appendix: prior art There are 2 boilerplate reductions from this proposal: avoiding if err != nil { and using 1 line avoiding generating zero values for the return statement I believe the latter is well addressed by this proposal that automatically generates zero values from return ..., err. It is unfortunate that no action has been taken on that existing proposal. If this proposal were accepted, I think that in any place where one might use return ..., err one could just use try. If return ..., err were already possible I think try might not add enough value. This proposal is still open and is equivalent to this proposal without the handler argument. It is suggested to add error handling via handler functions that already have an if err == nil { return nil } guard. But then using handlers requires reading code and looking at the calling function call to understand how it works and to ensure that it works properly. There have been proposals for dispatching on or after an error value assignment. These are quite similar to this proposal but suffer from being tied to assignment. https://github.com/golang/go/issues/52416 https://github.com/golang/go/issues/42318 https://github.com/golang/go/issues/46655 https://github.com/golang/go/issues/36284 https://github.com/golang/go/issues/32884 This proposal is different, but notes that it adds a with keyword for the handler. We could do that for this proposal, but it seems preferable to only reserve one keyword and use a comma. I made a similar proposal in which try was an expression rather than a statement. Appendix: generic enumerations Now that Go has Generics, we might hope for this to get extended to enumerations and have a Result type like Rust has. I believe that when that day comes we can adapt try to work on that Result type as well. Appendix: implementation The try library implements this proposal as a library function. However, it has several shortcomings as a library function that can only be resolved by building features into the Go language itself. Appendix: code coverage There are concerns about code coverage. It may be a significant burden for line-oriented code coverage tools to figure out how to tell users if the error paths are getting exercised. I would hate for a helpful tool to hold back back language progress: it is worth it for the community to undertake the effort to have code coverage tools that can determine whether the error path of try is getting exercised. Appendix: examples import ( "fmt" ) // This helper should be defined in the fmt package func Handlew(format string, args ...any) func(error) error { return func(err error) error { args = append(args, err) return fmt.Errorf(format+": %w", args...) } } // This helper should be defined in the fmt package func Handlef(format string, args ...any) func(error) error { return func(err error) error { args = append(args, err) return fmt.Errorf(format+": %v", args...) } } func valAndError() (int, error) { return 1, fmt.Errorf("make error") } func newGo() (int, error) { x, err := valAndError() try err // Common formatting functions will already be provided i := 2 x, err = valAndError() try err, Handlew("custom Error %d", i) // Using a custom error type // For convenience the error type can expose a method to set the error x, err = valAndError() try err, TheErrorAsHandler(i) } type TheError struct{ num int err error } func (t TheError) Error() String { return fmt.Sprintf("theError %d %v", t.num, t.err) } func TheErrorAsHandler(num int) func(err) TheError { return func(err error) TheError { return theError{ num: i, err: err } } } Appendix: real world code base examples I did some automated language transforms to use try on the golang codebase. This is easily automated now with Semgrep rules and a little shell script so I could apply this to any code base. Unfortunately it is only examples of using try without an error handler. Try with an error handler is much more difficult to automate. Costs Would this change make Go easier or harder to learn, and why? Harder to learn the language spec because users must learn a new keyword. However, when verbose error handling code is removed, beginners will be able to read and evaluate Go code more quickly and learn Go faster. **What is the cost of this proposal? ** The costs are discussed in detail elsewhere understanding a new keyword requiring go fix for upgrading code coverage tool upgrading How many tools (such as vet, gopls, gofmt, goimports, etc.) would be affected? All, but those that re-use Go libraries may just need to upgrade their library usage? I think these tools would then have less source code to analyze and thus run more quickly. Linters that check that all errors are handled currently use a lot of CPU. These could be simplified or even removed entirely. What is the compile time cost? Without handlers I would think it could be reduced because the compiler can avoid evaluating code that previously would have been hand-written. It will reduce the error linting time more significantly (see above) for those of us that run linters right after compilation since checking for proper error handling will be easier. What is the run time cost? I think this should be equivalent. The success and error path should be the same. However, having better error handling abilities will encourage Go programs to better annotate their errors. But the error path should not be a performance concern. Can you describe a possible implementation? I started a branch that gives some idea of some of the changes required, but keep in mind that it is incomplete and already making implementation mistakes. Do you have a prototype? (This is not required.) This can be roughly implemented as a library, done here. However, it is limited and that can only be solved with compiler modifications. Internally it uses panic/recover. This is slow when there is an error (but fortunately does not affect the success path) It requires a defer at the top of the function and using a pointer to a named return variable for the error
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