How not to learn Rust

I've seen too many good programmers struggle learning Rust, or even give up.Here are the mistakes I've seen which may make you fail at learning Rust. I hope this list will help you avoid them.Mistake 1 : Not be prepared for the first high stepThe worst possible way to learn Rust is by vaguely looking at it, or trying some small stuff, in short scattered sessions at night after your demanding work. Sure you did learn a few languages like this before, so you may be confident in your abilities. But at some point in Rust, and it may come soon, you'll encounter a higher step and if you don't fight it with concentration and dedication, you risk not overcome it.This might be discouraging. Some people give up.If you go stale and you want to go further, you shouldunderstand that it's normal, because Rust has different concepts that you must learnstop trying without trying, you're wasting time and motivationgo back to the fight with dedicated time and energyIt should click at some point, and th…
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