Feature watch: ECMAScript 2021

This blog post tracks actual and potential features of ES2021. I will continually update it.A word on ECMAScript versions  Note that since the TC39 process was instituted, the importance of ECMAScript versions has much decreased. What really matters now is what stage a proposed feature is in: Once it has reached stage 4, it can be used safely. But even then, you still have to check if your engines of choice support it.Proposed ECMAScript 2020 features  Recall that every ECMAScript feature proposal goes through stages:Stage 4 means that a feature will be in the next release (or the one after that).Stage 3 means that a feature still has a chance of being included in the next release.Stage 4 and part of ECMAScript spec draft  String.prototype.replaceAll (Peter Marshall, Jakob Gruber, Mathias Bynens)Promise.any() (Mathias Bynens, Kevin Gibbons, Sergey Rubanov)WeakRefs (Dean Tribble, Mark Miller, Till Schneidereit, Sathya Gunasekaran, Daniel Ehrenberg) [proposal]Logical assignment operator…

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