Let's Build A Game With Vue 3

Today we're going to be building a tic-tac-toe clone like the one seen in the React docs. Except we're going to be using the Vue 3 Composition API.🗣️You can check out the source code here or the live demo here.If you're totally new to the Vue 3 composition API, I recommend you check out my post on that first.This post will assume you have some basic understanding of the API, as well as Vue and JavaScript.Set upI'm going to be using Vite for quick setup as well as a lightening fast dev server. I definitely recommend checking it out! It uses Vue 3 by default, so we don't have any additional set up to worry about to get going.To create the project run:npm init vite-app tic-tac-toe cd tic-tac-toe npm i npm run devNow you should be all set up and if you open your browser to localhost:3000 you should be looking at something like this:Take a moment to look around the code if you want, otherwise lets get started!The BoardFirst lets start creating the board. We will start by renaming the H…

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