Deep Molecular Programming: A Natural Implementation of Binary-Weight ReLU Neural Networks

Embedding computation in molecular contexts incompatible with traditional electronics is expected to have wide ranging impact in synthetic biology, medicine, nanofabrication and other fields. A key remaining challenge lies in developing programming paradigms for molecular computation that are well-aligned with the underlying chemical hardware and do not attempt to shoehorn ill-fitting electronics paradigms. We discover a surprisingly tight connection between a popular class of neural networks (Binary-weight ReLU aka BinaryConnect) and a class of coupled chemical reactions that are absolutely robust to reaction rates. The robustness of rate-independent chemical computation makes it a promising target for bioengineering implementation. We show how a BinaryConnect neural network trained in silico using well-founded deep learning optimization techniques, can be compiled to an equivalent chemical reaction network, providing a novel molecular programming paradigm. We illustrate such transla…
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