How I built the best-selling BlackBerry app of all-time

Many years ago, I built what I believe was the best-selling BlackBerry app of all-time, BBSmart Email Viewer. It feels strange to write that, and it's not something I'd say I'm really known for outside of the small niche community of BlackBerry app developers that used to exist. But of course this had a huge impact on my life and while there's a lot I could say on the subject, there's one aspect in particular that I've always wanted to write about - specifically, a technical trick that made the app work that very few other developers at the time could figure out.I'm now 35 and enough years have passed that it's finally time to talk about it! All my commercial interests in BBSmart are long expired, so I've put up the source code for BBSmart Email Viewer on GitHub, along with all the other apps I built as an independent BlackBerry app developer at my company, BBSmart (many of which were also very successful - just not as much as BBSmart Email Viewer). If you do take a look, try not to j…
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