F# Publications

F# is about clarity of thinking and expression - “computational thinking made manifest” - and is loved by academics and researchers for bringing clear, concise problem solving techniques developed in academia into practice. F# is both based on academic research and acts as an inspiration for thousands of students and researchers worldwide. Many standard F# features (including active patterns and asynchronous workflows) have been described in academic literature, and many research projects build on top of F#.How to reference F# in a research paper.To add a paper to this list, log on to GitHub, edit this page and submit a pull request.Information-rich programming - publications related to F# type providers, a novel mechanism that integrates large-scale data into statically typed function programming language.Asynchronous, Concurrent and Reactive programming - publications about F# asynchronous workflows, the asynchronous programming model used in F#, event-based programming and “join…

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