Building Dad Jokes using The Prisma Framework (formerly Prisma 2) and React Native

The Prisma Framework (formerly known as Prisma 2) is a complete rewrite of the original Prisma. It is being rewritten in Rust while the original was written in Scala. The original version had memory issues with it and it required JVM to run. It also needed an additional server to run in addition to a backend server. The newest version of Prisma does not require any such thing. With The Prisma Framework, the query engine is now a bundled executable that is run alongside the backend on the same server.The Prisma Framework consists of 3 standalone tools to tackle the problems of data access, data migrations, and admin UI:Photon: Type-safe and auto-generated database client ("ORM replacement")Lift: Declarative migration system with custom workflowsStudio: Provides Admin UI to support various database workflowsSo now let's get started with building a server with The Prisma Framework.To keep it fun and corny, we will be making a Dad Jokes App. PrerequisitesFor this tutorial, you need a basi…
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