Axentix : New front-end framework based on CSS-Grid

Our goal making Axentix is to create the most easy to use and learn framework possible, by using the lightest markup possible.One of the main features is the grid system called grix making reference to the framework name.In this article, we are gonna get a look on some features/components, to make a preview of the framework possibilities. GrixAs you can see, the layout control is easy with only some classes.To create it, simply add some elements into a div with a class named "grix".This grix class needs a breakpoint and a number to show the number of columns you want on the specified screen width.<div class="grix xs4"> <div>box 1</div> <div>box 2</div> <div>box 3</div> <div>box 4</div> <div>box 5</div> </div> Here, xs means : "on the extra small screens".Here is an example of the reaction of the grix on different screens width, so you can understand more :<div class="grix xs1 md2 lg3"> <div>1</div> <div>2</div> <div>3</div> <div>4</div> </div> As you can see, the lay…
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