
A fully-featured macro system for the nano editor, powered by Luajit.Basic Usagenano -s ./nam YOURFILESupply the location of nam to the -s flag, and open your file/s like normal. (Or an empty buffer.)Then, write the macro call you want directly into the buffer, on it's own line:!:spellAnd then call the spellchecker with ^T or whatever non-default binding you've added.LimitationsThe macro system can only effect the open buffer, it can't modify nano's default behaviours. It cannot move the active cursor.This turns it into a text-manipulation system, rather than a self-modifying system like you might find in vim and emacs.It is still reasonably powerful.IssuesSee the issue tracker.You don't need a user to post.ExtendingMetadata can be utilied by macros.It can be set by placing a file called .namrc in the Current Working Directory, git repository root, and ~/.namrc.This file represents the contents of a Lua key-value table.e.g.wat = "Hello?",is equivalent to:return {wat = "Hello?",}Macros…

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