Using RegEx To Filter Keys With Redis Key Scanner In Lucee CFML And Jedis

Earlier this week, I wrote about Redis Key Scanner, which is a small Lucee CFML app that allows me to safely and efficiently iterate over the key-space of a Redis database such that I can get a sense of what keys exist, how long they will be persisted (ie, what is their Time To Live), and where they might be coming from. As I've started to use my Redis Key Scanner in Production, I realized that it needed better filtering capabilities. As such, I've gone back and added Include and Exclude filters that leverage POSIX Regular Expressions (RegEx) in order to narrow down the list of keys being displayed on each cursor iteration.View this code in my Redis Key Scanner project on GitHub.In the first implementation of the Redis Key Scanner, filtering was implemented on top of the SCAN operation. If we look at the signature of the Redis SCAN operation, we have:SCAN cursor [MATCH pattern] [COUNT count] [TYPE type]The MATCH parameter can be used to include keys based on a glob style pattern. So, …
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