Building A Simple Redis Key Scanner Using Lucee CFML And Jedis

The other day at work, I noticed that our production Redis instance was holding steady, on balance, at about 7GB of memory usage and 14M keys. Anything "holding steady" in Redis makes me suspicious, especially over the course of several months, as I would expect the Redis resource consumption to ebb-and-flow with the natural rhythm of user engagement. As such, I wanted to start digging into the Redis data to see if anything looked wonky. To aid in this discovery process (and to have some fun), I created a super light-weight Redis Key Scanner using Lucee CFML and Jedis, which I can run locally using CommandBox.View this code in my Redis Key Scanner project on GitHub.Because I don't know what I'm looking for, inspecting the Redis instance requires a brute-force approach. My suspicion is that many Redis keys don't have a specified TTL (Time To Live); which means, they will persist in Redis indefinitely. But, in order to figure out what those keys are (so that I can then figure o…
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