Lodash FP usage retrospective Coding with J.S.

My current project is completing its third year. From the start, we've been using aggressively the Lodash FP library through our whole JS & TS codebase, whether it's on the Back-End or Front-End. I recently performed a small analysis of our usage of the library to spot some weird usages that have slipped through code reviews and make a small retrospective about how this tool and functional programming are used in a mature production app.The results of the analysis were sometimes surprising as some of the sanctified FP tools show little usage on our side, while some lesser-known or more basic functions are widely popular. Let's dig in after a small digression about the lib itself.Lodash... FP?Lodash ( is a widely used library in the JavaScript ecosystem. It provides invaluable algorithmic tools that can save developers lines of code, time and bugs. Its less known sibling is Lodash/FP. As per the documentation, this build is providing "immutable auto-curried iteratee-first data-last met…

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