Playing With Lists And Blocking Pop Operations In Redis And Lucee

I have a really embarrassing confession to make: until just recently, I thought that the Redis List data-type worked like the ColdFusion List data-type. Which is to say, I assumed that it was just an abstraction over simple, delimited string values. This wasn't based on anything that I read - it was just a really, really poor assumption that my brain made. As anyone who uses Redis Lists would tell you, Lists in Redis are really more like (bi-directionally linked) Arrays, where each index is a completely isolated string value. Once I realized how very wrong I was about Redis Lists, I wanted to put together a little learning experiment, where I Push and Pop JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) values on to and off of a Redis List using a Blocking Read operation (BLPOP) in Lucee I'm using Lucee, not the latest Lucee, simply because I have a running instance for work that already has a Redis server. I didn't want to have set up a new Redis instance just for this expe…
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