Designing And Building A Progressive Web Application Without A Framework (Part 2 of 3) – Ben Frain

Part Two: DevelopmentQuick SummaryThis article is re-post of the article I originally wrote for Smashing Magazine.In the first post of this series, your author, a JavaScript novice, had set themselves the goal of designing and coding a basic web application. The ‘app’ was to be called ‘In/Out’ – an application to organise team based games. In this post we are going to concentrate on how the application ‘In/Out’ actually got made.IntroductionThe raison d’être of this adventure was to push your humble author a little in the disciplines of visual design and JavaScript coding. The functionality of the application I’d decided to build was not dissimilar to a ‘to do’ application. It is important to stress that this wasn’t an exercise in original thinking. The destination was far less important than the journey.Want to find out how the application ended up? Point your phone browser at the primary reason for starting this journey was learning some fundamentals of how JavaScript a…
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