Pytorch Lightning vs PyTorch Ignite vs

commentsBy William Falcon, AI ResearcherApparently a lion, bear, and tiger are friendsPyTorch-lightning is a recently released library which is a Kera-like ML library for PyTorch. It leaves core training and validation logic to you and automates the rest. (BTW, by Keras I mean no boilerplate, not overly-simplified).As the core author of lightning, I’ve been asked a few times about the core differences between lightning and, PyTorch ignite.Here, I will attempt an objective comparison between all three frameworks. This comparison comes from laying out similarities and differences objectively found in tutorials and documentation of all three was originally created to facilitate teaching the curriculum. It’s recently also morphed into a library of implementations of common approaches such as GANs, RL and transfer learning.PyTorch Ignite and Pytorch Lightning were both created to give the researchers as much flexibility by requiring them…
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