Intro. to Signal Processing:Curve fitting

[Introduction]  [Signal arithmetic]  [Signals and noise]   [Smoothing]   [Differentiation]  [Peak Sharpening]  [Harmonic analysis]   [Fourier convolution]  [Fourier deconvolution]  [Fourier filter]   [Peak area measurement]  [Linear Least Squares]  [Multicomponent Spectroscopy]  [Iterative Curve Fitting]  [Hyperlinear quantitative absorption spectrophotometry] [Appendix and Case Studies]  [Peak Finding and Measurement]  [iPeak]   [iSignal]  [Peak Fitters]   [iFilter]  [iPower]  [List of downloadable software]  [Interactive tools] [Basics]  [Reliability]  [Transforming non-linear relationships]  [Fitting peaks]  [Math details]  [Spreadsheets]  [LINEST function]  [Matlab]  The objective of curve fitting is to find the parameters of a mathematical model that describes a set of (usually noisy) data in a way that minimizes the difference between the model and the data. The most common approach is the "linear least squares" method, also called "polynomial least squares", a well-known math…
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