Spring Tools 4.3.0 released

<p>Dear Spring Community,</p> <p>I am happy to announce the 4.3.0 release of the Spring Tools 4 for Eclipse, Visual Studio Code, and Theia.</p> <p>Highlights from this release include:</p> <ul> <li><em>(Eclipse Theia vs Atom)</em> Eclipse Theia now officially supported, Atom support deprecated</li> <li><em>(Spring Boot)</em> improvement: project classpath notifications now happen in batch on startup to further optimize performance and job load on the Eclipse side</li> <li><em>(Spring Boot)</em> improvement: symbols are now being re-created if dependent types change</li> <li><em>(Spring Boot)</em> fixed: Slow code completion takes more than a 1 sec. (<a href=" <li><em>(Spring Boot)</em> fixed: content-assist for Spring XML config files now working again in VS Code and Theia</li> <li><em>(Spring Boot)</em> fixed: Anonymous inner type beans don’t have boot hints</li> <li><em>(CF Manifest)</em> fixed: CF manifest editor supports manifest files with number of instances set t…

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