Hello World With The CLI, AoT, Lazy Loading Routes, Differential Loading, And Ivy In Angular 8.1.0-beta.2

Up until now, all of my recent Angular demos have been built using a small Webpack configuration file that consumed the AngularCompilerPlugin() provided by @ngtools/webpack. But, with the introduction of Angular 8, there are features that don't fit neatly into my approach. Features like "differential loading" and the Ivy renderer require more than a few configuration tweaks. As such, I've decided to stop fighting the Angular CLI (Command-Line Interface) and try to embrace it. This post is just a note to self on how I got that working.Run this demo in my JavaScript Demos project on GitHub.View this code in my JavaScript Demos project on GitHub.If you've followed my blog for any amount of time, you'll likely get the sense that I have a very specific way of formatting my code. That's not an accident; it's a format that I've been refining and redefining my whole career. It's why I am vehemently opposed to things like prettier and gofmt and, essentially, any linting rule that pertains to n…

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