Analyzing Tweets with NLP in Minutes with Spark, Optimus and Twint

Introduction If you are here it’s likely that you are interested in analyzing tweets (or something similar) and you have a lot of them, or can get them. One of the most annoying things for that is getting a Twitter application, get the authentication and all of that. And then if you are using Pandas, there’s no way to scale that.So what about a system that doesn’t have to authenticate with the Twitter API, that can get an unlimited (well almost) amount of tweets and the power to analyze them, with NLP and more. Well you’re in for a treat because that’s exactly what I’m going to show you right now.Getting the project and repoYou can follow everything I’m going to show you very easily. Just forklift this MatrixDS project:MatrixDS The Data Project WorkbenchMatrixDS is a place to build, share and manage data projects at any there’s a GitHub repo with everything:FavioVazquez/twitter_optimus_twintAnalyzing tweets with Twint, Optimus and Ap…
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