OCaPIC: Programming PIC microcontrollers in OCamlHow can PICs be programmed in OCaml?This project allows to run OCaml programs on PIC microcontrollers.Meeting of two worldsHigh-level multi-paradigm programming language.Type-safetiness, robustness (strong static type check).Functional paradigm (first-class functions and closures).Imperative paradigm (mutable data, loops).Object-oriented paradigm.Exceptions.Modules and functors.Parametric polymorphism.Automatic memory management.PIC = Programmable Integrated Circuit.Low power consumption: a fewmW.Low cost: a few dollars.RAM memory: a few kB.Flash memory: a few tens of kB.How can PICs be programmed in OCaml?Write your program in OCaml.Compile the source code with the ocapic command.Test your program with the OCaPIC simulator (optionnal).Assemble the assembler file produced byocapic(for example, withgpasm).Transfer the resulting hexadecimal code to the PIC.Plug the PIC into a circuit, and run it!OCaPIC FeaturesOCaml Virtual Machine implem…

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