Luakit Web Browser

Luakit is a highly configurable browser framework based on the WebKit web content engine and the GTK+ toolkit. It is very fast, extensible with Lua, and licensed under the GNU GPLv3 license. It is primarily targeted at power users, developers and anyone who wants to have fine-grained control over their web browser’s behaviour and interface.Important WebKit Security NoticeWhile switching to the WebKit 2 API means a vastly improved security situation, not all distributions of Linux package the most up-to-date version of WebKitGTK+, and several package very outdated versions that have many known vulnerabilities. As of November 2017, Arch, Fedora, Gentoo, and Ubuntu all have the latest version of WebKitGTK+, but Debian and OpenSUSE ship outdated and vulnerable versions in their stable channel. See here for more details.If you use Luakit for browsing, it is your responsibility to ensure that your distribution packages an up-to-date version of WebKitGTK+!Installing on BSDFreeBSD and OpenBS…
Related Topics: Linux C (programming language) Lua