Lessons I Wish I Had Learned Much Earlier In My Web Development Career

At the very end of last week, I jumped onto an Incident call in order to listen and learn about a part of the InVision platform with which I didn't have too much familiarity. And, unfortunately, as the investigation unfolded, I realized that part of the root cause of the incident related to a misguided architectural choice that I made 7-years ago in a completely different application. The whole situation got me thinking about the lifespan of our choices. And, in particular, about all of the lessons that I wish I had learned much much much earlier in my web development career. Lessons that could have prevented the Incident on Friday. Lessons that could have prevented many incidents and facilitated easier maintenance of my application code.         Each day, my primary goal is just to be better than I was yesterday. The journey of mastery in web development isn't a sprint - it's a marathon; an eternal marathon in which the finish-line is an ever-moving target. But, I enjoy learning new …

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