KDnuggets™ News 19:n16, Apr 24: Data Visualization in Python with Matplotlib & Seaborn; Getting Into Data Science: The Ultimate Q&A

Best Data Visualization Techniques for small and large data; The Rise of Generative Adversarial Networks; Approach pre-trained deep learning models with caution; How Optimization Works; Building a Flask API to Automatically Extract Named Entities Using SpaCyFeatures  Tutorials Opinions News Courses Meetings Jobs Tops Image of the weekThis week you can read about a pair of Python's most powerful visualization libraries, learn how to go about getting into data science, find out the best data visualization techniques for small and large data, read up on the rise of the GANs, learn how and why to be cautious of pre-trained models, and much, much more.FeaturesTutorials, OverviewsOpinionsNewsCourses, EducationMeetingsJobsTop Stories, TweetsImage of the weekFrom The Rise of Generative Adversarial Networks

Related Topics: Data Visualization Python Deep Learning