
What?This is a proof-of-concept of a SmallTalk like live coding system running in the browser, based on TypeScript. There’s no server side component at all (other than delivering static files). It’ll let you update your code in a built-in editor and it’ll hot-patch the running system so that your code starts working immediately, even if there are objects existing which currently running it.Watch me talk about it!Or use the version hosted on cowlark.com if you want to try it for real!Why?It’s an attempt to replicate the classic SmallTalk/Lisp paradigm which don’t distinguish between users and programmers: you can, if you wish, take the lid off the application suite you’re currently using and tinker with it, without recompilation, restarts, or even having to save your work.Currently it’s a pile of fairly nasty hacks flying in loose formation, but it does actually work. Mostly.Where?It’s hosted on GitHub.How?It uses the TypeScript LanguageServices API to do code transformation an…

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