(ollie {:on :parens}): Clojure socket prepl cookbook

The socket prepl is a relatively new tool built into Clojure that allows you to REPL into a running application. It's essentially a much simpler "official" approach to the problem that nREPL also happens to solve. If your current nREPL tooling is working well for you then congratulations, carry on, this post won't be of much use to you.I've been developing Clojure(Script) tooling for Neovim over a prepl connection for the past six months or so (involving three attempts in different languages). It's called Conjure, you may have seen me constantly talking about it over on twitter. Since writing this has involved prepling into all sorts of environments and applications I ended up learning quite a few recipes for starting your prepls.This post is intended to be a reference for various socket prepl techniques, I hope you find them useful!From the CLIYou can start a prepl from the Clojure CLI without your program being aware of it at all.clj -J-Dclojure.server.jvm="{:port 5555 :accept cloju…

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