Tutorial: Machine Learning Data Set Preparation, Part 1 – Sean McWillie

To see the entire Machine Learning Tutorial, go here.In this multi-part tutorial, I shall go over the basics of taking “live” human data and putting into a suitable format to feed into one’s machine learning platform of choice. This series will go from general to specific and offer insight on methodology before going into gathering data, putting this data into a machine-readable format, and then feeding this into machine learning platforms such as TensorFlow and Weka.To start, I have to think of the data set in at least two lights.One is theme-oriented: the data has to have a thematic character that is neither too broad as to capture spurious correlations, and not so narrow that it confirms the obvious. This is the story told by the data.The other is feature-oriented. A good data set needs to have its raw data converted into a workable ontology — which is just a fancy word to refer to the objects and the landscape they inhabit. These are the nouns of story told by the data.These a…

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