12 Key Tools and Resources for Android Development

Android development is one of the most lucrative fields of software development. Currently, 75.16% of all mobile users worldwide use an Android device. It’s also very likely that Google’s Android operating system will continue retaining its market position in the future as well.Thanks to Google and third-party developers, Android has an incredibly huge ecosystem and an active community. In this collection, you can find 12 key tools and resources you need to know if you want to build professional mobile applications on the Android platform.1. Android StudioAndroid Studio is the official IDE (Integrated Development Environment) for Android development, created by Google. You can use it to build Android apps on Windows, Linux, and macOs operating systems. Android Studio supports all programming languages you can use for Android development: Java, C/C++, and Kotlin.It comes bundled with Android SDK (Software Development Kit) and some additional development tools such as AVD Manager and …

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