Diigo Bookmarks 02/09/2019

Why the adoption of Web Accessibility keeps failing"I can't and won't blame others for not being actively implementing Web Accessibility, because the innovation has lots of reasons that make its implementation not as pleasant to work with."SpeedCurve JavaScript Dominates Browser CPU"If the CPU is blocked, then browsers are delayed responding to user interactions like scrolling and clicking on links. In other words, the page feels janky. And what consumes the most CPU in browsers? You guessed it: JavaScript!"Limiting JavaScript? - TimKadlec.com"Browsers feature similar limits and interventions already today. iOS imposes a memory limit (a high one, but it's still a limit) that folks most usually run into when using large, high-resolution images. And Chrome's NOSCRIPT intervention skips right past the idea of limiting JavaScript and disables it altogether."Static Site Boilerplate - A better workflow for building modern static websites"A better workflow for building modern static websit…

Related Topics: JavaScript Web Accessibility iOS