Lapis - A web framework for Lua or MoonScript powered by OpenResty

What is it?Lapis is a framework for building web applications using MoonScript or Lua that runs inside of a customized version of Nginx called OpenResty.local lapis = require "lapis" local app = lapis.Application() app:match("/", function(self) return "Hello world!" end) return app lapis = require "lapis" class extends lapis.Application "/": => "Hello world!" How does it work?Lua is run directly inside of the Nginx worker, giving you the smallest barrier between the webserver and your code. OpenResty executes your Lua/MoonScript with LuaJIT, so it’s blazing fast. Have a look at Web Framework Benchmarks just to see how OpenResty stacks up against other platforms.Nginx’s event loop is used for all asynchronous actions, including HTTP requests and database queries. With the power of Lua coroutines code is written synchronously but runs asynchronously, without all that callback spaghetti seen in other asynchronous platforms. It’s fast, easy to read, and easy to write.Perform HT…
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