DDR Type 2

Cold WarDDRStasi  The set consists of a transmitter – suitable for frequencies between 3.15 and 8.5 MHz – a mains power supply unit, a high-speed hand-operated morse burst encoder and several spare parts. 3The transmitter was intended for use in case of an emergency, by East-German agents operating in West-European countries. The agent generally got his instructions via a One-Way Voice Link (OWVL), also known as a Numbers Station. Any answers would normally be returned via dead drops. If for some reason the agent could not use a dead drop, he would use the transmitter.  To avoid the risk of being caught with the transmitter – for example during a house search – it was usually hidden at a predetermined underground hiding place, known as a cache. The agent had coded instructions on where to find the cache. He also had printed instructions on how to use the set, and had several One-Time Figure Pads (OTFP) for the encryption of the messages.Using a clandestine transmitter from within …

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