Seven principles of microservices architectures

1. Modeled around the business domainThe emphasis in microservices design is on the business domain, not technical architecture. Thus, the quantum reflects thebounded context. Some developers make the mistaken association that a bounded context represents a single entity such as Customer; instead,it represents a business context and/or workflowsuch as CatalogCheckout.The goal in microservices isn’t to see how small developers can make each service but rather to create a useful bounded context.2. Hide implementation detailsThe technical architecture in microservices isencapsulated within the service boundary, which is based on the business domain. Each domain forms a physical bounded context. Services integrate with each other bypassing messages or resources, not by exposing details like database schemas.The main goals of microservices are isolation of domains via physical bounded context and emphasis on understanding the problem domain. Therefore, the architectural quantum is the ser…
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