Research on Methods for Counting the Number of People in a Video Stream Using OpenCV

IntroductionWith the advent of AI, machine learning, and automation, computer vision becomes all the more relevant. In our team, webuild an expertise of working with computer vision as a part of working on a new set of projects involving AI and machine learning.And we want to share our experience, specifically with regards to object detection with OpenCV.Our objective is to count the number of people who have crossed an abstract line on-screen using computer vision with OpenCV library.In this article, we will look at two ways to perform object recognition using OpenCV and compare them to each other. Both approaches have their own pros and cons, and we hope that this comparison will help you choose the best one for your task.ContentsObject Recognition through Machine Learning AlgorithmsRecognition of Moving Objects through Background Subtraction AlgorithmsConclusionObject Recognition with Machine Learning AlgorithmsThe first method for counting people in a video stream is to distinguis…
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