Free Hotel Wifi with Python and Selenium · Gokberk Yaltirakli

Recently I took my annual leave and decided to visit my friend during the holidays. I stayed at a hotel for a few days but to my surprise, the hotel charged money to use their wifi. In $DEITY‘s year 2000 + 18, can you imagine?But they are not so cruel. You see, these generous people let you use the wifi for 20 minutes. 20 whole minutes. That’s almost half a Minecraft video.If they let each device use the internet for a limited amount of time, they must have a way of identifying each device. And a router tells devices apart is by their MAC addresses. Fortunately for us, we can change our MAC address easily.Enter macchangerThere is a really useful command-line tool called macchanger. It lets you manually change, randomize and restore the MAC address of your devices. The idea here is randomizing our MAC regularly (every 20 minutes) in order to use the free wifi over and over indefinitely.There are 3 small commands you need to run. This is needed because macchanger can’t work while you…
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