Nvidia unveils beastly Titan RTX card you probably can’t afford

Just a few months after introducing its next-gen RTX cards, Nvidia has a new king on the block: The Titan RTX. While it’s not technically the fastest card Nvidia makes – that would be its professional-grade Quadro 6000, by a small margin – it’s the fastest regular people can get. That is, regular people who can afford a $2,500 graphics card.In essence, it’s a 2080 Ti on steroids. It pumps out 16.3 Teraflops to the 2080 Ti’s 14 thanks to a higher boost clock and access to more active CUDA and tensor cores. It also has 24GB of VRAM compared to the 2080 Ti’s oh-so-measly 11GB.All this should translate to minimal graphics improvements, but this isn’t really a card aimed at gamers. It’s main benefits will be seen by researchers and scientists who need the card for its AI chops; the Titan RTX can hit 130 TFLOPS at 32-bit floating point precision, which will aid in training neural networks.Point is, for the vast majority of people, a 2080 Ti or 2080, or 2070 makes a lot more sense, …

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