.NET Programming using HP Vertica

IntroductionIn continuation to my CodeProject article that I wrote last year on Cassandra/.NET programming, this year's article is related to .NET programming with HP Vertica, which is another BigData platform.This article covers three aspects in details. First on HP Big Data platform Vertica and its dimension. Secondly, .NET application layer leverages HP Vertica data storage. Finally, .NET code samples are used for CRUD (Create Read Update Delete) data operations.Data WarehouseA data warehouse is a central repository for all or significant parts of the data that an enterprise's various business systems collect. The term was coined by W. H. Inmon.Applications of data warehouses include data mining, Web Mining, and decision support systems (DSS).Traditional Data WarehouseTraditionally, data warehouse is housed on an enterprise mainframe server. Data from various online transaction processing (OLTP) applications and other sources is selectively extracted and organized on the data wareh…

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