Graphs in RavenDB: Inconsistency abhorrence

In my previous post, I discussed some options for changing the syntax of graph queries in RavenDB from Cypher to be more in line with the rest of the RavenDB Query Language. We have now completed that part and can see the real impact it has on the overall design.In one of the design review, one of the devs (who have built non trivial applications using Neo4J) complained that the syntax is now much longer. Here are the before and after queries to compare:The key, from my perspective, is that the new form is more explicit and easier to read after the fact. Queries tend to grow more complex over time, and they are being read a lot more often than written). As such, I absolutely want to lean toward being readable over being terse.The example above just show the extra characters that you need to write. Let’s talk about something that is a bit more complex:Now we have a lot more text, but it is a lot easier to understand what is going on. Focus especially on the Lines edge, where we can ve…
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