Stop Writing JavaScript Compilers! Make Macros Instead

The past several years have been kind to JavaScript. What was once a mediocre language plagued with political stagnation is now thriving with an incredible platform, a massive and passionate community, and a working standardization process that moves quickly. The web is the main reason for this, but node.js certainly has played its part.ES6, or Harmony, is the next batch of improvements to JavaScript. It is near finalization, meaning that all interested parties have mostly agreed on what is accepted. It's more than just a new standard; Chrome and Firefox have already implemented a lot of ES6 like generators, let declarations, and more. It really is happening, and the process that ES6 has gone through will pave the way for quicker, smaller improvements to JavaScript in the future.There is much to be excited about in ES6. But the thing I am most excited about is not in ES6 at all. It is a humble little library called sweet.js.Sweet.js implements macros for JavaScript. Stay with me here.…
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