Text editing techniques every Front-End developer should know – Ben Frain

0Days0 days since this post was last revised. All content should be accurate.Any Front-end developer is going to spend a lot of time typing and manipulating code. It pays to know how to ‘drive’ your editor to get the best performance.Following are what I consider some of the most useful or perhaps underused techniques. They are techniques I think it pays to know about and that hopefully you are able to perform with fluidly in your editor or IDE of choice.I’m using Sublime Text and Code for the examples here but nearly all of these techniques are possible in VS Code, Atom, Brackets, Vim, Emacs etc.Let’s begin.TransposeYou have two lumps of code and you want them to switch positions. Select the two sections, hit your short-cut and hey presto! They are transposed.CommitMost of us use Git. You should have a straightforward way to add, commit and push changes. For day to day tasks, doing it in the editor saves context switching into a terminal. In Sublime I use the ‘Git’ plug-in for …

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